spacer iib Institute for Independent Business

With Yellowpharma BV, Gijsbert Guijt operates as an independent business advisor. He is accredited by the Institute for Independent Business (IIB) and is part of the large international IIB network from which know-how and capacity can be used on almost any area.

The Institute for Independent Business, founded in 1984, is the largest organisation of its type in the world, with over 4,500 accredited senior executives (of which approx. 100 in The Netherlands), all of whom are highly experienced and mature business men and women with high level executive business experience behind them.

Some have been managing directors, executive directors and chairmen of some of the best-known national and multi-national companies in the world. Many have experienced the unique difficulties and the loneliness of being the managing director / owner (MDO), or the proprietor of what is known as an SME (small to medium size enterprise).
Each IIB Accredited Associate agrees to give some free time each month to SMEs when they will meet the MDO or proprietor to discuss their business with them and examine opportunities or concerns the MDO may have and give guidance and source advice and help as may be needed.
Questions on finance, including cash flow, credit control, raising extra working capital, and the possibility of alternative banking are often raised, as are questions on sales and marketing, export, manufacturing, health and safety issues, the pros and cons of ISO/QUALITY accreditation and all other aspects of business and profitability.

The great strength of the IIB Business Support Programme is in addressing the problem of company directors and owners not having anywhere to turn for some independent, unbiased advice and just a chat with someone who has “been there - seen it - done it” and survived to tell the tale.

More information on IIB you can find at the website of the IIB.

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