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Yellowpharma BV wants to help the managing director/ owner of SMEs with high value know-how and practical advise that works, with the aim to improve business performance and profitability and to operate more professional in the market.

Yellowpharma BV combines a broad know-how of company organisations with practical experiences to increase business performance and profitability in close co-operation with the MDOs , focussing on improvement of organisation and techniques by structural solving of problems, step by step actions, planned realisation of changes and assurance of the improvements.

Yellowpharma BV:
  • Writes no large and theoretical reports
  • Starts from the existing responsibilities
  • Approaches all your questions practical and creative
  • Communicates easy on all organisational levels
  • Works efficient and purposive with you and your team together
  • Acquires quickly insight and overview on your business approach
  • Goes for the development of people, organisation and techniques
  • Implements the advises within your company
  • Improves business performance and profitability together with you

Examples for improvement of Business Performance

Examples for the business approach of Yellowpharma BV are:
  • Review of (a part of) the organisation
  • Advice for a problem or question
  • Execution of one or more improvement project(s)
  • Sparring partner for discussions of all kind of subjects
  • Defining a “Business Support Program”

Business Support Program (BSP)
The Business Support Program is developed to meet the needs of independent businesses.
Practical advice that works can be made available to assist the directors/owners of small to medium sized businesses in virtually every way possible. An Executive Associate is made available as a business friend to provide an advice line to the supported company.
The type and level of support is specifically geared to the needs and objectives of each client business, based on a proven model from which countless businesses have benefited. In order to determine if a business qualifies a meeting is arranged with an Executive Associate to talk with the managing director / proprietor / owners, which will include a confidential discussion about the sort of challenges facing the business.

If the company has no time and resources to realise the plans within time and budget, Yellowpharma BV can assist by taking care of the project management. This service is also available in case of projects that have reached a deadlock.

Change management
For MDOs who experience friction at product-, process-, technical- or social development within the company and who want to speed up the development, Yellowpharma BV can bring in expert know-how or impulses to create breakthrough and/ or innovations.

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